Unicorn Circle Membership
Be a Unicorn in a Field of Horses!
Service Description
The year-long circle container is: + 1 90 minute zoom each month that includes teaching, clearings/healings, channeling, and spirit animal + Unicorn medicine (i.e. topics change based on need/relevance of group) + On-going resource sharing with tips and tools inside of a group chat+ Exclusive member content such as a special audio series, card readings, special pricing for other offerings, first-to-know launches, videos, and more + A community that loves and supports you and where we utilize the power of this collective to answer prayers, send light, manifest dreams/wishes, etc. + Unique listening shares for people to process what's going on in their life and receive support/accountability as needed You can be as engaged/lean-in or relaxed/lean-back as you'd like..... its all for your benefit. I will be leading this with my horses and goats and of course the guides/guardians I partner with which include the Unicorns and each month a different Spirit Animal to support us. The intention is that you will feel like a Unicorn in your life. You will stand out when you want to and be noticed/heard/seen/loved. You will grow your intuition and spirituality. You will feel the support of the Unicorns as we intentionally work with their energy/healings. I'm bringing you the best of my Spiritual Psychology Master's + Healing Modalities + Spirit Animal Wisdom + 15 Years as a Life/Business Coach (and now my Priestess training) all in one place for a next-level community. AND all of this for the lowest possible investment I could think of....$365 (special rate for past/current clients)* or $44/month recurring payments *I wanted it to be a no-brainer* There will always be recordings so you can watch on your own time if you have to miss. I will be switching up times so it's either in evenings, mid-day during the week over a lunch or weekends so it's in flow. You can carve out time for it for sure! My intention is that in just 1 zoom youll feel like you received your yearly investment-worth and also that youll meet new friends, potential clients, collaborators, etc. Join for the year now and you'll be a part of the bonus/kick-off call which is:Wed. January 29th at 6pm PT (its a new moon and Chinese new year too!) You can register here for yearly (best rate) or monthly. I will then send you the Zoom info. and the community group on WhatsApp to join.

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